Why do you ask? Just look at my picture and it will say it all. . . Psychology! Gross! This was a long class and its finally over! I did however enjoy the last two chapters on disorders and treatments. Since I am now an accomplished Psychologist I can diagnosis my own family and all of our craziness! It's great to have one more class down and now I can enjoy a nice long summer break.
I so scared thay you will try to analyze me! It could be a frightening prognosis! We'll look forward to seeing you this summer, oh revered swim teacher!
Could I use any more exclamation points in that comment?
That's probably something to analyze already (insert an intentional exclamation point, although I choose not to use one).
^^she is funny.
That's great, I had no idea you were going to school. Psychology was always interesting to me but also over my head. Is that your major?
Heck no! Psychology is interesting when it comes to a certain topic I find interesting, other than that its just a class to fill my requirements!
Way to go homegirl! I'm so proud of you for tackling the whole college thing. I think I'll be in your same shoes in a couple years.
I remember when I took this class I really thought I could figure people out. But next I took Sexual Pych and whoaaaaa--watch out , that was one crazy crazy class for my naive, young, eyes at 18-19! Take that next, you can really do some analyzing!!!
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