Thursday, April 10, 2008


America has it all wrong! I am so sad to see one of my favorites go. What are people thinking leaving in some of the worst ones like. . . Carly, Jason, Sayesha and Kristi. All I can say is WHATEVER!


emily w. said...

We are totally with you. I was heartbroken for Michael. Now I feel really bad for not voting. I can't believe that horse girl is still in it.

homegirl said...

Girl, what are you doing up? It's gotta be around midnight there.

homegirl said...

It's 11:30 and I'm fixing your blog. That's what I'm doing!

homegirl said...

Thanks homegirl, your the best! You are my true dedicated project partner, hey you wanna come help me touch up my cabinets this weekend? Alright, this looks like I'm talking to myself, I'll catch up with you later. Goodnight!

SAS said...

What--my boyfriend is gone?! Because we are so busy during the week, we have Idol night on Fridays. I have done so good to shield myself all week from any news, and then.....I come to your blog. I really enjoy listening to him, watching him!

kristi said...

Sorry, but Kristi Lee Cook rocks! What ARE you thinking????

emily w. said...

A little biased aren't you Kristi? Isn't your middle name Lee also?

kristi said...

Emily, why do you think I'm rooting for KLC? (It is THE best "maiden" name in the world!!!) It's fun to hear my former name on American Idol every week. If there was a contestant named Emily Ruth Reed wouldn't you be rooting for her?